Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Justin is in Mexico!

Well, Elder Powell has arrived safely in Monterrey.  He traveled to the Salt Lake Airport early Monday morning to board an American Airlines plane bound for Dallas. As a side note, Coach Kyle Whittingham was in the line getting his boarding pass and was also flying to Dallas to do some recruiting.  Justin had a nice conversation with him and posed with him for some pictures and then they headed for Texas.  During a 2 hour lay-over, Justin was able to call home and talk with his brothers and sister, Mom and Dad and then he called his family in Boise to talk with Josh, Brianna and his Mom (lucky kid has 2 great Moms). It was a lot of fun hearing his voice and hearing the excitement as he travels on his own for the first time, getting ready to head to a foreign country.  He was anxious and nervous but so full of anticipation. I can’t wait until Mother’s Day when we can speak to him again.
Later in the day, Justin e-mailed from the mission home to say that he had arrived in Monterrey, safe and happy.  He was already enamored with the city and so eager to get to his first area and start meeting the Mexican people. I’m excited to hear from him, on his first P-day and hear how he is adjusting and learning and growing.  I’ll certainly post it here, when it comes.  Until then, one of the last things he said before hanging up was to ask me to send greetings to all of his friends and family and to tell you all how much he appreciates your love and support as well as your letters.  He definitely feels the support and wants you all to know how grateful he is.
So, until that first letter arrives, I wish you peace and fortune in your efforts to make the world better, even for one single person at a time.


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